Valentine’s day parties at school were always my favorite. Back in the 90s, we had to individually address cards to our friends and walk around like chicken with our heads cut off, finding everyone’s box to deliver our cards. I used to love getting cards – something about seeing what a person picked out to give you was so exciting.
Knowing what someone else thinks about you can really change your day – even if it was as simple as “You’re cool, Valentine!” It was the fact that a friend picked my name to put on that one, made it so special and more meaningful.
What if I told you that God has also handpicked some Valentines for you too? And His are way more meaningful than “You’re sweet”!
You are loved.
You are chosen.
You have a purpose.
You are wonderfully made.
You are worth dying for.
God’s love notes for you are all over the Bible and we breeze by them as if they are just words on a page, with no personalized meaning. In my Bible study we are reading through the book of John, and I paused on that famous verse – John 3:16 – the one we all know even if we don’t read the bible.
In the study they had us rewrite the verse using our name and that simple act changed everything.
For God so loved Veronica, that He gave His one and only son that if Veronica believes in Him, she shall not perish but have eternal life.
Try it. Make it personal.
God so loved YOU. He handpicked that Valentine for YOU – He wrote your name on it.
All of the verses that show His love for you have YOUR name on. Try it with Psalm 139:14, 1 Peter 1:2, Jeremiah 29:11…it changes the way you see the verse. These are all very popular and well-known verses that we can easily breeze over or ramble off by memory – but it hits a bit differently when you personalize it.
If you are feeling less than loved this Valentine’s Day, open the Bible and read John. There is a God that loves you more than we can humanly comprehend, and he is leaving Valentines with your name on it all over this book.
